Readers Guild

The creative process is a mystical experience. From nothing, words spring forth and blank pages are transformed into portals transporting readers into worlds crafted by an author's imagination.

I love creating stories, but there is one thing that can be improved: traditionally, writing is done in solitude, and readers only have access to a novel when it is published and the story is immutable. Well, it doesn't have to be that way!

I want to share my work with you before it is published when I have the opportunity to be inspired by your comments. I'm inviting you to see the entirety of my creative process from first draft to final manuscript. Plus, you'll see all aspects of publishing from designing the book cover to writing taglines and book descriptions. You'll be part of it all!

Join the Readers Guild to witness the creation of A New Savagery, the second book in the Songs of Power trilogy. All memberships in the Readers Guild end on the date of publication. This is not a continuing subscription.

UPDATE: the first draft of A New Savagery is now complete and the book cover design process is underway. The second draft will soon be released!


Apprentice Level

  • Read all chapters as they are completed (generally once a week); you will be emailed a link to download the manuscript to your preferred reading app or e-reader.
  • Comment and respond to the author's surveys.
  • Your name will appear on the acknowledgment page of a special e-book edition of A New Savagery offered exclusively to Readers Guild members.

Click here to join for FREE

Member Level*

  • Receive all the same benefits as Apprentices.
  • Enjoy voting privileges on the bonus content to be included in the special edition e-book.
  • Receive the special edition e-book of A New Savagery.

Click here to join at $3.99/month.

Master Level (CLOSED)

  • Receive all the same benefits as Members.
  • Enjoy a monthly Q&A with the author. 
  • Receive a paperback copy of A New Savagery

Click here to join at $7.99/month.

All subscriptions will be terminated on the date A New Savagery is published (est. December 1, 2024), and you can cancel anytime before then. However, you must be an active member on the date of publication to receive your e-book and paperback copy.


I am thrilled by your interest in my work, and I hope to see you in the Readers Guild


Alma M. Vasquez


*Currently only available for U.S. Residents. If you live outside the U.S. and would like to join the Readers Guild as a Member or Master, please email